Ausstehende Workshops:
Absolute Beginner 1 (mit @floatingflows)
Datum: siehe Buchungsportal beim Button Anmeldung
Lorettoschule Wiehre - Freiburg
Absolute Beginner 1 Workshop mit Luciana aus Freiburg
Hast du Lust spielerisch Kraft, Körperspannung und Dehnung zu verbessern und neue Bewegungsmuster zu lernen? Möchtest du mehr Vertrauen in dich und in Andere aufbauen? Klingt die Mischung aus Akrobatik und Yoga für dich interessant?
Der Workshop richtet sich an alle blutige Anfänger*innen (ohne spezifischen Alters) und / oder Menschen, die gerne ihre Liebsten, Bekannte oder Verwandte mit Unterstützung in die Welt des AcroYogas einführen möchten.
In 2 Blöcken a 2,5 h bringe ich euch achtsam die Grundlagen bei. In der Pause dazwischen bieten wir Raum für einen vegetarischen Potluck.
Die Teilnahmegebühr vor Ort beträgt: 52€ pro Person bzw. 42€ für Student*innen / Alleinerziehende / auf Fördergelder Angewiesene etc.
Wir freuen uns auf euch !
Absolute Beginner 2 (mit @floatingflows)
Datum: siehe Buchungsportal beim Button Anmeldung
Lorettoschule Wiehre - Freiburg
Absolute Beginner 2 Workshop mit Luciana & Co Teacher aus Freiburg
Taucht ein in den zweiten Teil unseres Absolute Beginner Workshops und erlebt, wie ihr nach Abschluss dieses Kurses nicht nur die Basics beherrscht, sondern auch voller Leichtigkeit in neue, spaßige Flows stürzen könnt.
Unser Workshop richtet sich an alle, die bereits den Absolute Beginner Workshop 1 abgeschlossen haben und / oder die Positionen Bird, Throne (Stuhl), Whale, Foot to Shin und Fallen Leaves als Base und Flyer beherrschen.
In 2 Blöcken a 2,5 h bringen wir euch achtsam die Grundlagen bei. In der Pause dazwischen bieten wir Raum für einen vegetarischen Potluck.
Die Teilnahmegebühr beträgt: 52€ pro Person bzw. 42€ für Student*innen / Alleinerziehende / auf Fördergelder Angewiesene etc.
Wir freuen uns auf euch !
Vergangene Workshops
Whips - Pops - Icarians
Samstag, den 06.05.23 - 13:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Sonntag, den 07.05.23 - 10:00 - 16:30 Uhr
Loretto Schule (Lorettostr.39a) , Halle neben dem Fussballplatz
Dynamic Workshop:
W H I P S - P O P S - I C A R I A N S
I'm glad to come to your community to play and to learn together. With this workshop we'll take the opportunity to dive into the acrobatics, focused on a dynamic practice.
EXPERIENCE Although this workshop is open to every level, it will be challenging for everyone. The more advanced you are, the more advantage you'll take from this experience.
WHAT TO EXPECT - Be ready to bounce; we will learn some fun dynamic transitions - Whips, Pops & Icarians. - Progressions, progressions and more progressions - Safety first, we are going to give special attention to the Spotter role, the Spotter is going to play a fundamental role in order to ensure safe practicing - Celebrate the joy of play - Get in touch with your inner strength, determination and thoughtfulness __________________________________________ - No partner required - Intermediate and Advanced Acroyoga techniques - Release perceived limitations and explore your highest potential - This Workshop approach is friendly for everyone, no matter where your practice is, we will develop and find the right progression or regressions so you can develop the skills needed. - Instructions mainly in English. German and Spanish also possible
ABOUT JOAO INFANTAS Peruvian movement enthusiast based in North Germany and creator of active movement communities in Lima. As an experienced and dedicated practitioner of Acroyoga, Yoga and Thai massage, his mission is to share his collected skills from across the world in order to help people discover their fullest potential. Through his unique and playfull approach he is able to pick up the individual needs of his students, which empowers them to express themselves freely and authentically.
Whips - Pops - Icarians
Samstag, den 06.05.23 - 13:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Sonntag, den 07.05.23 - 10:00 - 16:30 Uhr
Loretto Schule (Lorettostr.39a) , Halle neben dem Fussballplatz
Dynamic Workshop:
W H I P S - P O P S - I C A R I A N S
I'm glad to come to your community to play and to learn together. With this workshop we'll take the opportunity to dive into the acrobatics, focused on a dynamic practice.
EXPERIENCE Although this workshop is open to every level, it will be challenging for everyone. The more advanced you are, the more advantage you'll take from this experience.
WHAT TO EXPECT - Be ready to bounce; we will learn some fun dynamic transitions - Whips, Pops & Icarians. - Progressions, progressions and more progressions - Safety first, we are going to give special attention to the Spotter role, the Spotter is going to play a fundamental role in order to ensure safe practicing - Celebrate the joy of play - Get in touch with your inner strength, determination and thoughtfulness __________________________________________ - No partner required - Intermediate and Advanced Acroyoga techniques - Release perceived limitations and explore your highest potential - This Workshop approach is friendly for everyone, no matter where your practice is, we will develop and find the right progression or regressions so you can develop the skills needed. - Instructions mainly in English. German and Spanish also possible
ABOUT JOAO INFANTAS Peruvian movement enthusiast based in North Germany and creator of active movement communities in Lima. As an experienced and dedicated practitioner of Acroyoga, Yoga and Thai massage, his mission is to share his collected skills from across the world in order to help people discover their fullest potential. Through his unique and playfull approach he is able to pick up the individual needs of his students, which empowers them to express themselves freely and authentically.
Whips - Pops - Icarians
Samstag, den 06.05.23 - 13:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Sonntag, den 07.05.23 - 10:00 - 16:30 Uhr
Loretto Schule (Lorettostr.39a) , Halle neben dem Fussballplatz
Dynamic Workshop:
W H I P S - P O P S - I C A R I A N S
I'm glad to come to your community to play and to learn together. With this workshop we'll take the opportunity to dive into the acrobatics, focused on a dynamic practice.
EXPERIENCE Although this workshop is open to every level, it will be challenging for everyone. The more advanced you are, the more advantage you'll take from this experience.
WHAT TO EXPECT - Be ready to bounce; we will learn some fun dynamic transitions - Whips, Pops & Icarians. - Progressions, progressions and more progressions - Safety first, we are going to give special attention to the Spotter role, the Spotter is going to play a fundamental role in order to ensure safe practicing - Celebrate the joy of play - Get in touch with your inner strength, determination and thoughtfulness __________________________________________ - No partner required - Intermediate and Advanced Acroyoga techniques - Release perceived limitations and explore your highest potential - This Workshop approach is friendly for everyone, no matter where your practice is, we will develop and find the right progression or regressions so you can develop the skills needed. - Instructions mainly in English. German and Spanish also possible
ABOUT JOAO INFANTAS Peruvian movement enthusiast based in North Germany and creator of active movement communities in Lima. As an experienced and dedicated practitioner of Acroyoga, Yoga and Thai massage, his mission is to share his collected skills from across the world in order to help people discover their fullest potential. Through his unique and playfull approach he is able to pick up the individual needs of his students, which empowers them to express themselves freely and authentically.
Whips - Pops - Icarians
Samstag, den 06.05.23 - 13:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Sonntag, den 07.05.23 - 10:00 - 16:30 Uhr
Loretto Schule (Lorettostr.39a) , Halle neben dem Fussballplatz
Dynamic Workshop:
W H I P S - P O P S - I C A R I A N S
I'm glad to come to your community to play and to learn together. With this workshop we'll take the opportunity to dive into the acrobatics, focused on a dynamic practice.
EXPERIENCE Although this workshop is open to every level, it will be challenging for everyone. The more advanced you are, the more advantage you'll take from this experience.
WHAT TO EXPECT - Be ready to bounce; we will learn some fun dynamic transitions - Whips, Pops & Icarians. - Progressions, progressions and more progressions - Safety first, we are going to give special attention to the Spotter role, the Spotter is going to play a fundamental role in order to ensure safe practicing - Celebrate the joy of play - Get in touch with your inner strength, determination and thoughtfulness __________________________________________ - No partner required - Intermediate and Advanced Acroyoga techniques - Release perceived limitations and explore your highest potential - This Workshop approach is friendly for everyone, no matter where your practice is, we will develop and find the right progression or regressions so you can develop the skills needed. - Instructions mainly in English. German and Spanish also possible
ABOUT JOAO INFANTAS Peruvian movement enthusiast based in North Germany and creator of active movement communities in Lima. As an experienced and dedicated practitioner of Acroyoga, Yoga and Thai massage, his mission is to share his collected skills from across the world in order to help people discover their fullest potential. Through his unique and playfull approach he is able to pick up the individual needs of his students, which empowers them to express themselves freely and authentically.
Whips - Pops - Icarians
Samstag, den 06.05.23 - 13:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Sonntag, den 07.05.23 - 10:00 - 16:30 Uhr
Loretto Schule (Lorettostr.39a) , Halle neben dem Fussballplatz
Dynamic Workshop:
W H I P S - P O P S - I C A R I A N S
I'm glad to come to your community to play and to learn together. With this workshop we'll take the opportunity to dive into the acrobatics, focused on a dynamic practice.
EXPERIENCE Although this workshop is open to every level, it will be challenging for everyone. The more advanced you are, the more advantage you'll take from this experience.
WHAT TO EXPECT - Be ready to bounce; we will learn some fun dynamic transitions - Whips, Pops & Icarians. - Progressions, progressions and more progressions - Safety first, we are going to give special attention to the Spotter role, the Spotter is going to play a fundamental role in order to ensure safe practicing - Celebrate the joy of play - Get in touch with your inner strength, determination and thoughtfulness __________________________________________ - No partner required - Intermediate and Advanced Acroyoga techniques - Release perceived limitations and explore your highest potential - This Workshop approach is friendly for everyone, no matter where your practice is, we will develop and find the right progression or regressions so you can develop the skills needed. - Instructions mainly in English. German and Spanish also possible
ABOUT JOAO INFANTAS Peruvian movement enthusiast based in North Germany and creator of active movement communities in Lima. As an experienced and dedicated practitioner of Acroyoga, Yoga and Thai massage, his mission is to share his collected skills from across the world in order to help people discover their fullest potential. Through his unique and playfull approach he is able to pick up the individual needs of his students, which empowers them to express themselves freely and authentically.
AcroYogaCoach, AcroDance Workshop mit Eugene aus London
08.10.2022 von 14 - 19:00 09.10.2022 von 14 - 17:00
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule (Hofackerstraße 75)
Kosten: 80€ für beide Tage oder 50€ für einen Tag
This workshop will help you explore and develop your acroyoga practice as a beautiful artform. It will show you how to develop smoother, more elegant transitions, variety and eventually create and perform mesmerising flows.
We will use simple acroyoga poses as a starting point and explore new creative ways to transition in and out of traditional L-basing, allowing you to create more dynamic and interesting flows and choreography.
Über Eugene:
Eugene is a movement artist and senior yoga teacher with a background in teaching martial arts. He founded the project and concept of AcroYogaDance in June 2013 and has been exploring the idea of AcroYoga as a beautiful artform ever since.
In 2021 Sky Arts Channel broadcast his acroyogadance choreography and performance, describing it as:
"The epitome of artistic beauty"
Safe Acrobatics
Dienstag den 25.04.2023
Ab 19:30Uhr
In der Loretto Turnhalle
Auf Englisch/Slowenisch!
Wir konnten Alesh & Tanja von safeacrobatics aus Slowenien gewinnen, für einen Dienstag Abend Workshop.
Die beiden unterrichten AcroYoga international und machen Stopp auf Ihrer Durchreise, wer sie nicht kennt, hier erfahrt ihr mehr:
Der Workshop wird open level für alle Niveaus sein, ihr könnt euch auch gern bei Larissa (PN) melden für Wünsche zum Training. Ansonsten wird es ein bunter Mix aus Crazy Washing Machines. Themenvorschläge/Baustellen, denen ihr arbeitet und es klemmt sind willkommen :) --> PN an Larissa
Wenn Ihr (noch) kein Mitglied im Verein seid, meldet euch bitte bei Larissa an.
Der Beitrag beträgt 15-20€ für den Abend, bitte passend mitbringen.
Wir freuen uns mit euch auf slowenisch zu fliegen Simon&Larissa. Ps: Der Workshop ersetzt an diesem Abend das freie Dienstags Training des AcroYoga e.V.
Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche Teilnehmerinnen.
AcroYoga Workshop mit SAFE Acrobatics: Aleš & Tanja aus Slowenien
Tanja and Ales from @SAFE acrobatics are coming to Freiburg for the first time, to share with you some partner acrobatics and acroyoga knowledge!
09.30-12.30 F2H
In the first part we will focus on improving F2H technique with lots of different exercises and progressions towards better stability and safety.
-Intermediate / Beginner will play with intro to Lbase F2H exercises and different entries to Lbase F2H.
-Experienced people will play with stability, blindfolds, Chinese and Russian rolls, goofy and regular Catwalks in L&S base and polishing standing F2H.
14.00 -16.30 Reverse Star washing machines
In the second part we will play with lots of different Reverse Star (Shoulderstand on feet) Washing Machines.
-Beginners will slowly get familiar with reverse star position and transitions that will lead into Washing Machines.
-EXPERIENCED people will be challenged with Monolimbs, reverse hand shakes and needles. Of course also with Washing Machines 🙂.
09.30 -12.30 H2H
In the third part we will focus on the best H2H technique with lots of different exercises and progressions towards better stability and safety.
-Intermediate / Beginner will play with intro to Lbase H2H exercises and different entries to Lbase H2H.
-EXPERIENCED people will play with stability, blindfolds, different and dynamic entries to lying & standing base H2H and polishing standing H2H.
14.00 -16.30 Crazy Washing Machines
In the last part we will play with our speciality that is crazy Washing Machines.
That means that most of them will challenge you to limits of your strength, flexibility and technique. Some of them are just weird 😃
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule, Hofackerstr. 75, 79110 Freiburg
Whole weekend 85€
1 day 55€
Register to the event:
Tanja and Aleš are founders of SAFE acrobatics
They are teaching classes and retreats worldwide and are the founders of the Slovenian Acro FEstival - SAFE, Winter acro spa Intensive and Acro Spring Break Slovenia.
For both the essential part about Acro is building up trust, doing the most challenging tricks in the most effortless way and having lots of fun. They are highly experienced in laying and standing H2H and F2H, but they also love crazy washing machines, whips, pops and icarians. Teaching together, they focus on adapting to their students levels and help them to increase their acro skills. Giving small but important details on the complex movements and encouraging people to take new challenges by respecting their own body and individual level, is their speciality.
Je von 09:30 - 12:30 & 14:00 - 16:30
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule (Hofackerstraße 75)